Saturday, 8 June 2013


In my previous post I promised to bring to us 21 days to a good name, while putting together the piece I discovered that life is not just about bulding a good reputation or name, like +John Wooden puts it “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” But about the person of quality we are.
With these in mind lets see how we can work on a good name in 7days.

  • Hold your tongue and take three deep breaths before responding to comments and situations that make you feel angry, defensive or upset.
  • Never talk badly about anyone. Never say anything negative about any person behind their back. If you have a problem with some else’s behaviour, talk to them privately and directly. When you talk negatively about someone in their absence, the person you are talking to feels you may do the same behind their back.
  • Be respectful of other people and their opinions. There is never one way of doing things, and your way is not the only way, even if it feels like that at the time. Always keep your mind open and accept other people may have a different experience and a different opinion. Remember, you can disagree and still be respectful.
  • Be truthful and honest. lying and deceit always finds its way out, and it’s never worth it. I always say “When in doubt, tell the truth”. Telling the truth is cleansing and liberating, no matter how small. If you are running late, don’t blame the traffic, say “I’ve miscalculated the travel time”, “I left too late”… whatever the case may be.
  • Keep your promises. If you made a promise, keep it. It seems so simple, yet very few people can hold ALL their promises. If you can’t make it happen, do not promise. If you’ve promised, but can’t make it happen, tell the other person honestly. They will be flattered with your honesty.
  • Accept responsibility for your actions and behaviours, and avoid blaming others.
  • Do not judge other people or their behaviour. Do not jump to conclusions and label people in your mind or when talking to others.
Have a good day people.