Thursday, 2 May 2013

...that joy

The joy of prayer is what every believer should never deny his or herself every day. I can’t imagine what I will be missing without this joy, the joy of speaking in tongues long before others start rising from their beds.
It opens my eyes to see what others don’t see, it puts a spring to my steps, and lights up my face with a divine glow. Whether it’s evident to the physical eyes or not, there is a fire burning in my eyes.
That joy when scriptures begin to find expression in your lips forming a behavior for you for the day. That joy of knowing its going to be alright because you got on your knees and stayed there before GOD.
I love praying in the morning, because it gives me an opportunity to avoid a lot of time wasters and irrelevant discussions and involvements through the day.
When it comes to prayer am still a novice because I know not what to pray as I ought but thank GOD for the Holy Spirit that makes intercession for me with groaning which cannot be uttered so I can have an utterance in my conversations with men and when I am teaching or preaching in church even in the classroom.
I love praying in the Holy Spirit, because this is where I know I will not make mistakes because the Holy Spirit does not make mistakes.
 Every day I learn how not to use my brain to direct the prayer focus, direction, sequence and even the intensity but on how to simply allow the one who is praying to pray and I speak as He gives the utterance.
Give your life a lift as we explore the estimable joys of prayer again. Isaiah 12:3 says “with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation”
iykeIGWE (Abuja, Nigeria)

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